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Überschwemmungen und ErdrutscheDie eindrücklichsten Bilder des Unwetter-Wochenendes

Vom Wallis bis nach Graubünden haben heftige Regenfälle und Gewitter seit Freitag für massive Schäden gesorgt. Impressionen aus den betroffenen Gebieten.

The highway A13 between Lostallo and Soazza destroyed by the force of the Moesa river, caused by heavy rain in the Misox valley, in Lostallo, southern Switzerland, on Sunday June 23, 2024. Massive thunderstorms and rainfall led to a flooding situation with large-scale landslides on Friday evening in the Misox valley, south-eastern Switzerland. Several dozen people had to be evacuated from their homes while three people are still missing on Sunday. (KEYSTONE/Michael Buholzer)
Aerial view of the A13 Highway between Lostallo and Soazza completely destroyed by the force of the Moesa river, Lostallo, Southern Switzerland, Saturday, June 22 2024. Massive thunderstorms and rainfall had led to a flooding situation on Friday evening after a landslide in the Misox valley, Southern Switzerland, Saturday, June 22 2024. Four people went missing on Saturday morning after. Several dozen people had to be evacuated from their homes in the Misox and Calanca regions. (KEYSTONE/Ti-Press/Samuel Golay)
Jetzt abonnieren und von der Vorlesefunktion profitieren.
The highway A13 between Lostallo and Soazza destroyed by the force of the Moesa river, caused by heavy rain in the Misox valley, in Lostallo, southern Switzerland, on Sunday June 23, 2024. Massive thunderstorms and rainfall led to a flooding situation with large-scale landslides on Friday evening in the Misox valley, south-eastern Switzerland. Several dozen people had to be evacuated from their homes while three people are still missing on Sunday. (KEYSTONE/Michael Buholzer)
Swiss Federal Councillor Ignazio Cassis at the site of a landslide, caused by severe weather and heavy rain in the Misox valley, in Sorte village, Lostallo, southern Switzerland on Sunday June 23, 2024. Massive thunderstorms and rainfall led to a flooding situation with large-scale landslides on Friday evening in the Misox valley, south-eastern Switzerland. One person was found dead and two others were still missing on Sunday. (KEYSTONE/Michael Buholzer).
Rescue workers search the debris with a dog at the site of a landslide, caused by severe weather and heavy rain in the Misox valley, in Sorte village, Lostallo, southern Switzerland on Sunday June 23, 2024. Massive thunderstorms and rainfall led to a flooding situation with large-scale landslides on Friday evening in the Misox valley, south-eastern Switzerland. One person was found dead and two others were still missing on Sunday. (KEYSTONE/Michael Buholzer)
Rescue workers take a break at the site of a landslide, caused by severe weather and heavy rain in the Misox valley, in Sorte village, Lostallo, southern Switzerland on Sunday June 23, 2024. Massive thunderstorms and rainfall led to a flooding situation with large-scale landslides on Friday evening in the Misox valley, south-eastern Switzerland. One person was found dead and two others were still missing on Sunday. (KEYSTONE/Michael Buholzer)
The Sorte village, community of Lostallo, Southern Switzerland, after a landslide, caused by the bad weather and heavy rain in the Misox valley, in Lostallo, Southern Switzerland, Saturday, June 22 2024. Massive thunderstorms and rainfall had led to a flooding situation on Friday evening after a landslide in the Misox valley, Southern Switzerland, Saturday, June 22 2024. Four people went missing on Saturday morning after. Several dozen people had to be evacuated from their homes in the Misox and Calanca regions. (KEYSTONE/Ti-Press/Samuel Golay)
A police vehicle is seen stuck in the water after two police officers rescued themselves by swimming, caused by severe weather and heavy rain in the Misox valley, in Cama village, Lostallo, southern Switzerland on Sunday June 23, 2024. Massive thunderstorms and rainfall led to a flooding situation with large-scale landslides on Friday evening in the Misox valley, south-eastern Switzerland. One person was found dead and two others were still missing on Sunday. (KEYSTONE/Michael Buholzer).
The destroyed bus station of Sorte at the site of a landslide, caused by severe weather and heavy rain in the Misox valley, in Sorte village, Lostallo, southern Switzerland on Sunday June 23, 2024. Massive thunderstorms and rainfall led to a flooding situation with large-scale landslides on Friday evening in the Misox valley, south-eastern Switzerland. One person was found dead and two others were still missing on Sunday. (KEYSTONE/Michael Buholzer).
Rescue workers search the debris with a dog at the site of a landslide, caused by severe weather and heavy rain in the Misox valley, in Sorte village, Lostallo, southern Switzerland on Sunday June 23, 2024. Massive thunderstorms and rainfall led to a flooding situation with large-scale landslides on Friday evening in the Misox valley, south-eastern Switzerland. One person was found dead and two others were still missing on Sunday. (KEYSTONE/Michael Buholzer)
A general views shows the site of a landslide, caused by severe weather and heavy rain in the Misox valley, in Sorte village, Lostallo, southern Switzerland on Sunday June 23, 2024. Massive thunderstorms and rainfall led to a flooding situation with large-scale landslides on Friday evening in the Misox valley, south-eastern Switzerland. One person was found dead and two others were still missing on Sunday. (KEYSTONE/Michael Buholzer)
A rescue worker inpsects a destroyed house at the site of a landslide, caused by severe weather and heavy rain in the Misox valley, in Sorte village, Lostallo, southern Switzerland on Sunday June 23, 2024. Massive thunderstorms and rainfall led to a flooding situation with large-scale landslides on Friday evening in the Misox valley, south-eastern Switzerland. One person was found dead and two others were still missing on Sunday. (KEYSTONE/Michael Buholzer)
Cleanup work is underway at the Sorte village, community of Lostallo, Southern Switzerland, after a landslide, caused by the bad weather and heavy rain in the Misox valley, in Lostallo, Southern Switzerland, Saturday, June 22 2024. Massive thunderstorms and rainfall had led to a flooding situation on Friday evening after a landslide in the Misox valley, Southern Switzerland, Saturday, June 22 2024. Four people went missing on Saturday morning after. Several dozen people had to be evacuated from their homes in the Misox and Calanca regions. (KEYSTONE/Ti-Press/Samuel Golay)
Auch Autos wurden in Lostallo weggeschwemmt.


Sprunghafter Anstieg des Flusspegels: Das Hochwasser hat die Vispa in Zermatt über die Ufer treten lassen (21. Juni 2024).
La riviere la Vispa photographiee en crue ce vendredi 21 juin 2024 a Zermatt. Le village de Zermatt est coupe du monde a cause des intemperies Il n'est plus possible de se rendre dans le village valaisan depuis vendredi midi. En raison des risques d'inondation, les trains ne circulent plus. Des bus de remplacement ont ete mis en place entre Viege et Taesch. (KEYSTONE/Claude Volken)
Des pelleteuses travaillent au bord de la riviere Navizence en crue proche de la centrale hydroelectrique Alpiq ce vendredi 21 juin 2024 a Vissoie dans le val d'Anniviers. Le debit du Rhone, actuellement a un niveau eleve, devrait continuer a augmenter jusqu'a atteindre son pic vendredi en fin d'apres-midi ou en soiree, a indique vendredi l'organe cantonal valaisan de conduite (OCC). Des debordements et des laves torrentielles peuvent egalement survenir en valais sur les cours d'eau lateraux.(KEYSTONE/Jean-Christophe Bott)
Le fleuve le Rhone, droite, et la riviere Navizence photographies en crue ce vendredi 21 juin 2024 a Chippis. Le debit du Rhone, actuellement a un niveau eleve, devrait continuer a augmenter jusqu'a atteindre son pic vendredi en fin d'apres-midi ou en soiree, a indique vendredi l'organe cantonal valaisan de conduite (OCC). Des debordements et des laves torrentielles peuvent egalement survenir en valais sur les cours d'eau lateraux.(KEYSTONE/Jean-Christophe Bott)
Un pompier surveille le debit du Rhone le samedi 22 juin 2024 entre Sierre et Chippis en Valais. Le niveau d'eau du Rhone a baisse pendant la nuit en Valais apres les foertes intemperies de vendredi. Le trafic ferroviaire entre Riddes et Ardon a repris a 8 heures. A Zermatt, aucun train ne circulait samedi matin. (KEYSTONE/Jean-Christophe Bott)
Une pelleteuse enleve des pierres dans le lit de la riviere la Navizence qui se jette dans le Rhone le samedi 22 juin 2024 a Chippis en Valais. Le niveau d'eau du Rhone a baisse pendant la nuit en Valais apres les foertes intemperies de vendredi. Le trafic ferroviaire entre Riddes et Ardon a repris a 8 heures. A Zermatt, aucun train ne circulait samedi matin. (KEYSTONE/Jean-Christophe Bott)