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AboAnalyse Weltbevölkerung
Die Bevölkerungsuhr tickt immer langsamer – darin liegt auch eine Gefahr

epaselect epa11471865 Motorists maneuver through a busy street, referred to by locals as the 'Scooter waterfall', during World Population Day in Taipei, Taiwan, 11 July 2024. According to data released in May 2024 by the National Statistics of Taiwan, the population of Taiwan is 23.4 million, consisting of 11.54 million males and 11.87 million females. Observed annually on 11 July, World Population Day was established by the Governing Council of the United Nations Development Programme in 1989 to raise awareness of global population issues. On this day, the UN will release the World Population Prospects 2024 report, covering trends from 1950 to 2024, including growth rates, age structures, and components of population change.  EPA/RITCHIE B. TONGO
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Auf der Webseite der Organisation «Population Matters» kann einem angst und bange werden. Schneller als im Sekundentakt zählt die dort eingerichtete Bevölkerungsuhr nach oben.

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