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Überschwemmungen in SpanienBilder zeigen Ausmass des «historischen Unwetters»

Am Dienstag waren sintflutartige Regenfälle auf Ost- und Südspanien niedergegangen. Besonders stark betroffen war die Provinz Valencia.

Residents clean the street next to cars piled up after being swept away by floods in Valencia, Spain, Wednesday, Oct. 30, 2024. (AP Photo/Alberto Saiz)
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Strassen wurden mit schlammigen Wassermassen geflutet, in einigen Gegenden fiel an einem Tag mehr Regen als sonst in einem Monat. Der Wetterdienst Aemet in Valencia sprach in einer ersten Bilanz von einem «historischen Unwetter». Es habe sich um den schlimmsten «Kalten Tropfen» (gota fría) dieses Jahrhunderts in der Region Valencia gehandelt, schrieb Aemet auf X.

epa11692692 A resident takes pictures among damaged vehicles piled up in the flood-hit municipality of Sedavi, in the province of Valencia, eastern Spain, 30 October 2024. The intense rainfall impacting the eastern part of the country resulted in at least 70 lives being lost in the province of Valencia and neighboring provinces due to the flooding. The State Meteorological Agency (AEMET) has issued red alerts for rainfall in multiple regions of the province of Valencia, caused by the severe storm DANA.  EPA/BIEL ALINO
epa11692830 Damaged cars and debris are stacked in the middle of a tran rail in the flood-hit city of Alfafar, in the province of Valencia, Spain, 30 October 2024. The intense rainfall impacting the eastern part of the country resulted in at least 70 lives being lost in the province of Valencia and neighboring provinces due to the flooding. The State Meteorological Agency (AEMET) issued orange and red alerts for rainfall in multiple regions of east and southern Spain due to a DANA (isolated depression at high levels) phenomenon.  EPA/RAQUEL SEGURA
epa11692218 Damaged railway tracks following heavy rains and floods in the village of Picana, in the province of Valencia, eastern Spain, 30 October 2024. The intense rainfall impacting the eastern part of the country resulted in at least 62 lives being lost in the province of Valencia due to the flooding. The State Meteorological Agency (AEMET) has issued red alerts for rainfall in multiple regions of the province of Valencia, caused by the severe storm DANA.  EPA/BIEL ALINO
epa11692215 A man walks past piled-up cars following heavy rains and floods in the village of Picana, in the province of Valencia, eastern Spain, 30 October 2024. The intense rainfall impacting the eastern part of the country resulted in at least 62 lives being lost in the province of Valencia due to the flooding. The State Meteorological Agency (AEMET) has issued red alerts for rainfall in multiple regions of the province of Valencia, caused by the severe storm DANA. EPA/BIEL ALINO
epa11692216 A resident walks amid flood waters near a damaged car in Picana, in the province of Valencia, eastern Spain, 30 October 2024. The intense rainfall impacting the eastern part of the country resulted in at least 62 lives being lost in the province of Valencia due to the flooding. The State Meteorological Agency (AEMET) has issued red alerts for rainfall in multiple regions of the province of Valencia, caused by the severe storm DANA. EPA/BIEL ALINO
A man rides a bicycle through flooded streets in Valencia, Spain, Wednesday, Oct. 30, 2024. (AP Photo/Alberto Saiz)
epa11692837 A resident walks over debris in the flood-hit municipality of Paiporta, in the province of Valencia, Spain, 30 October 2024. The intense rainfall impacting the eastern part of the country resulted in at least 70 lives being lost in the province of Valencia and neighboring provinces due to the flooding. The mayor of Paiporta, located about ten kilometers southwest of Valencia, confirmed that at least 34 people died in the municipality due to the flooding. The State Meteorological Agency (AEMET) issued orange and red alerts for rainfall in multiple regions of east and southern Spain due to a DANA (isolated depression at high levels) phenomenon.  EPA/MANUEL BRUQUE
epa11692840 Residents walk along a mud-covered street next to piled-up cars in the flood-hit municipality of Paiporta, in the province of Valencia, Spain, 30 October 2024. The intense rainfall impacting the eastern part of the country resulted in at least 70 lives being lost in the province of Valencia and neighboring provinces due to the flooding. The mayor of Paiporta, located about ten kilometers southwest of Valencia, confirmed that at least 34 people died in the municipality due to the flooding. The State Meteorological Agency (AEMET) issued orange and red alerts for rainfall in multiple regions of east and southern Spain due to a DANA (isolated depression at high levels) phenomenon.  EPA/MANUEL BRUQUE

Diese Wettererscheinung tritt in der spanischen Mittelmeerregion in den Monaten September und Oktober häufig auf, sie basiert auf stark schwankenden Temperaturen von Meer und Luft und entsteht, wenn sich die ersten atlantischen Tiefausläufer mit feuchtkalter Luft über das warme Mittelmeer schieben.

epa11692177 A resident walks along a flooded road in Sedavi, in the province of Valencia, eastern Spain, 30 October 2024. The intense rainfall impacting the eastern part of the country resulted in at least 62 lives being lost in the province of Valencia due to the flooding. The State Meteorological Agency (AEMET) has issued red alerts for rainfall in multiple regions of the province of Valencia, caused by the severe storm DANA.  EPA/MIGUEL ANGEL POLO

Die Flutkatastrophe in Spanien forderte bereits über 150 Todesopfer. Dabei handele es sich um vorläufige Angaben, die Bergung und Identifizierung von Todesopfern dauere an.

epa11692202 Rescuers search for missing people among debris brought by the floods in Letur, in the province of Albacete, Spain, 30 October 2024. The intense rainfall impacting the eastern part of the country resulted in at least 62 lives being lost in the province of Valencia due to the flooding. The State Meteorological Agency (AEMET) has issued red alerts for rainfall in multiple regions of the province of Valencia, caused by the severe storm DANA. In Letur, Albacete province, one of the areas affected by torrential rains, emergency personnel and soldiers continue the search for six missing people.  EPA/MANU
epa11692200 Rescuers search for missing people among debris brought by the floods in Letur, in the province of Albacete, Spain, 30 October 2024. The intense rainfall impacting the eastern part of the country resulted in at least 62 lives being lost in the province of Valencia due to the flooding. The State Meteorological Agency (AEMET) has issued red alerts for rainfall in multiple regions of the province of Valencia, caused by the severe storm DANA. In Letur, Albacete province, one of the areas affected by torrential rains, emergency personnel and soldiers continue the search for six missing people. EPA/MANU
epa11692803 Residents look at a damaged bridge in the flood-hit municipality of Ribarroja del Turia, in the province of Valencia, Spain, 30 October 2024. The intense rainfall impacting the eastern part of the country resulted in at least 70 lives being lost in the province of Valencia and neighboring provinces due to the flooding. The State Meteorological Agency (AEMET) issued orange and red alerts for rainfall in multiple regions of east and southern Spain due to a DANA (isolated depression at high levels) phenomenon. EPA/KAI FORSTERLING

In der besonders betroffenen Mittelmeerregion Valencia türmen sich von Wassermassen zusammengeschobene Autos und versperren Hauseingänge. Viele Bewohner können gar nicht auf die Strasse, wie der spanische Fernsehsender RTVE berichtet. «Man hat uns hier völlig vergessen», sagte ein Mann vor laufender Kamera, halb weinend. «Niemand kommt, um die Autos wegzuziehen oder uns irgendetwas zu bringen. Man hat uns aufgegeben.» Die Menschen bräuchten Essen, Kleidung und Schaufeln, um selbst die Erdmassen wegschaufeln zu können.

Residents clean the street next to cars piled up after being swept away by floods in Valencia, Spain, Wednesday, Oct. 30, 2024. (AP Photo/Alberto Saiz)
A man cleans his house affected by floods in Utiel, Spain, Wednesday, Oct. 30, 2024. (AP Photo/Manu Fernandez)
People clean their houses affected by floods in Utiel, Spain, Wednesday, Oct. 30, 2024. (AP Photo/Manu Fernandez)
People clean their house affected by floods in Utiel, Spain, Wednesday, Oct. 30, 2024. (AP Photo/Manu Fernandez)
