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Zerstörung im Tessin und im WallisDie Unwetterkatastrophe in Bildern

Am Wochenende wurden Teile der Schweiz von verheerenden Unwettern getroffen. Diese eindrücklichen Fotos zeigen das Ausmass der Zerstörung.

Ein Gewitter zieht am Samstagabend über den Neuenburgersee (bei Yverdon) – die Bedingungen für heftige Gewitter waren am Samstag vor allem in der Westschweiz und im Tessin ideal.
Jetzt abonnieren und von der Vorlesefunktion profitieren.


The collapsed Visletto bridge between Visletto and Cevio, in the Maggia Valley, southern Switzerland on Sunday June 30, 2024. The storm in the night from Saturday to Sunday destroyed various traffic routes. Following the landslide in the Maggia Valley, rescuers recovered two bodies on Sunday. One person is still missing, according to the Ticino cantonal police in Valle Maggia. (KEYSTONE/Michael Buholzer).
The collapsed Visletto bridge between Visletto and Cevio, in the Maggia Valley, southern Switzerland on Sunday June 30, 2024. The storm in the night from Saturday to Sunday destroyed various traffic routes. Following the landslide in the Maggia Valley, rescuers recovered two bodies on Sunday. One person is still missing, according to the Ticino cantonal police in Valle Maggia. (KEYSTONE/Michael Buholzer).
Police blockade for non-residents in the area, Ponte Brolla, Ticino, Sunday, June 30, 2024. Following the landslide in the Maggia Valley, Rega rescuers recovered two bodies on Sunday. One person is still missing, according to the Ticino cantonal police (KEYSTONE/Ti-Press/Pablo Gianinazzi).
Helicopter Super Puma of the Swiss Army engaged in rescue operations in Valle Maggia, Ticino, Switzerland, Sunday, June 30, 2024. Following the landslide in the Maggia Valley, Rega rescuers recovered two bodies on Sunday. One person is still missing, according to the Ticino cantonal police (KEYSTONE/Ti-Press/ Samuel Golay ).
Picture taken from a helicopter of destroyed houses in Fontana, in the Maggia Valley, southern Switzerland on Sunday June 30, 2024. The storm in the night from Saturday to Sunday destroyed various traffic routes. Following the landslide in the Maggia Valley, rescuers recovered two bodies on Sunday. One person is still missing, according to the Ticino cantonal police in Valle Maggia. (KEYSTONE/Ti-Press POOL/Samuel Golay)
The Rhone River is overflowing the SBB train tracks following the storms that caused major flooding, in Sierre, Switzerland, Sunday, June 30, 2024. (KEYSTONE/Jean-Christophe Bott)


The Rhone River is overflowing the street following the storms that caused major flooding, in Sierre, Switzerland, Sunday, June 30, 2024. (KEYSTONE/Jean-Christophe Bott)
Rubble from a landslide caused by severe weather following storms that caused major flooding and landslide are pictured in Saas-Grund, Switzerland, Sunday, June 30, 2024. Massive thunderstorms and rainfall led to a flooding situation with large-scale landslides. One person was found dead in a hotel of Saas-Grund. (KEYSTONE/Jean-Christophe Bott)
In Zermatt kommt es wieder zu Überschwemmungen: Nach heftigen Gewittern und Niederschlägen verwandelt sich die Vispa in Zermatt wieder in einen reissenden Fluss und tritt über die Ufer, wie ein Video des Wetterdienstes MétéoExpress zeigt.
Überschwemmung der Rhone im Wallis
Überschwemmung der Rhone im Wallis
Vincent Pellissier, Kantonsingenieur
Raphael Mayoraz, Kantonsgeologe
Frederic Favre, Grossrat
Marie Claude Noth-Ecoeur, cheffe du Service de la sécurité civile et militaire
Beatrice Pilloud, Generalstaatsanwältin
Überschwemmung der Rhone im Wallis
The Rhone River is overflowing the SBB train tracks following the storms that caused major flooding, in Sierre, Switzerland, Sunday, June 30, 2024. (KEYSTONE/Jean-Christophe Bott)
The Rhone River, right, and the Navizence river, left, are overflowing in the industrial zone produces aluminium "Constellium" following the storms that caused major flooding, in Chippis, Switzerland, Sunday, June 30, 2024. (KEYSTONE/OLIVIER MAIRE)
The Rhone River, right, and the Navizence river, left, are overflowing the industrial zone following the storms that caused major flooding, in Chippis, Switzerland, Sunday, June 30, 2024. (KEYSTONE/Jean-Christophe Bott)