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AboKommentar zum Skandal in Warschau
Polens Rechtspopulisten inszenieren sich als Verfolgte

epa11066595 Opposition supporters take part in a protest against the detention of two MPs from the Law and Justice party in front of the Presidential Palace in Warsaw, Poland, 09 January 2024. Opposition politicians have expressed their outrage over the detention of two MPs from the Law and Justice party who have been convicted of abuse of power. Mariusz Kaminski, a former interior minister, and Maciej Wasik, his ex-deputy, were detained by police officers at the Presidential Palace on 09 January evening. In December 2023, Kaminski and Wasik were sentenced to two years in prison for masterminding an anti-corruption provocation in 2007 when they were heading the Central Anti-Corruption Bureau (CBA). Earlier on 09 January, the police received documents containing an order issued by a Warsaw court to take both politicians into custody. 'In the Tusk-owned state, Civic Platform politicians charged with corruption are free, either in the Sejm, the lower house of parliament, or in the European Parliament,' Mariusz Blaszczak, the head of the Law and Justice (PiS) parliamentary caucus, wrote. ' And PiS politicians, who have been fighting against corruption during their entire political careers, are being sent to prison,' Blaszczak continued, adding that both politicians had been pardoned by the president and were still MPs.  EPA/Radek Pietruszka POLAND OUT
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Natürlich ist das alles eine grosse Provokation: Der polnische Präsident lädt zwei Verurteilte zu einer Veranstaltung in seinen Amtssitz ein. Die beiden per Haftbefehl gesuchten Politiker der rechtspopulistischen PIS erzählen auch noch in Fernsehkameras, dass sie beim Präsidenten bleiben wollen, «bis das Böse verliert».

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