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AboReportage aus Zypern
Der innere Kampf der geteilten Ferien­insel

A Turkish army sign is pictured in the fenced-off area of Varosha in Famagusta town in the self-proclaimed Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) of the divided Mediterranean island of Cyprus, on July 16, 2021. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan heads to breakaway north Cyprus on July 20, to mark the anniversary of Turkey's 1974 invasion, a visit infuriating Greek Cypriots with island reunification talks in limbo. Varosha -- once the playground of celebrities and dubbed a "Jewel of the Mediterranean" -- was left a fenced off ghost town, where former luxury hotels have become overgrown by weeds. The Turkish army restored public access to parts of the beachfront last year and Erodgan is expected to extend that during his visit. (Photo by Christina ASSI / AFP)
Jetzt abonnieren und von der Vorlesefunktion profitieren.

Vorhin, um 8 Uhr morgens, stellte Giannis Rousou seinen kleinen Bus vor den McDonald’s von Protaras, ein paar Meter von der Sfinx-Bar entfernt, wo drinnen mehrere Plastiksphinxe stehen, und wartete auf Kunden. Briten, Italiener.

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