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epaselect epa11041163 A man holds a gun during a protest against the recently announced operation to safeguard trade and to protect ships in the Red Sea, in Sana'a, Yemen, 22 December 2023. Thousands of people gathered at a square in the Houthis-controlled Sana'a to protest against the coalition created recently by the United States and denounce the Israeli strikes on the Gaza Strip. On 18 December, the US Department of Defense announced a multinational operation to safeguard trade and to protect ships in the Red Sea amid the recent escalation in Houthi attacks originating from Yemen, according to a press release from the US Department of Defense. Thousands of Israelis and Palestinians have died since the militant group Hamas launched an unprecedented attack on Israel from the Gaza Strip on 07 October, and the Israeli strikes on the Palestinian enclave which followed it.  EPA/OSAMAH YAHYA
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Nach dem Hamas-Massaker vom 7. Oktober mit fast 1200 Toten und dem darauffolgenden israelischen Einmarsch in das Palästinensergebiet hatte die Regierung in Jerusalem fest damit gerechnet, dass die berüchtigte «Achse des Widerstands» der Hamas zur Seite springen und Israel an fünf, sechs oder gar sieben Fronten gleichzeitig angreifen würde.

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